Introduction of Web3.0 DeFi Platform!

3 min readJun 19, 2021

What is Web 3.0?

Web 3.0 is the moniker given to the next step in the evolution of the internet, powered by cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Blockchains. The broad plan is to have an internet that has human-like interactivity. In other words, Web 3.0 apps will be able to intelligently understand and process user input, which can be fed through not only text but practically any sensory medium. Apps will also have the power to intelligently interpret information using AI tools and convey the desired output back to the user via a plethora of output mechanisms.

Moreover, Web 3.0 applications will be designed to make full use of decentralization and DeFi protocols to modify the internet in a way that is seamless, secure, and censorship-free. Smart contracts will take center stage, allowing anyone across the globe to micro transact or send files peer-to-peer without fear of malicious packet sniffing or regulatory oversight.

All this means that Web 3.0 will fundamentally change how businesses operate and what regulatory power governments exercise over the internet. Envisioned to be a haven of information for everyone, Web 3.0 will be the most democratic interconnected network that the world has ever seen.

A Brief History of Internet Versions

Web 1.0 (1989–2005)

Web 1.0, also known as Static Web, was the first usable version of the internet. Back then, there was no social media, user pages, or blogs. Search functionality was barebones and the internet mostly consisted of message boards and directories.

Web 2.0 (2005-present)

Web 2.0, also called the Social Web, is marked by the use of interactive elements in web design thanks to developments in HTML, Javascript, and CSS. These advancements paved the way for the internet we know today. Social networks also play a pivotal part in shaping Web 2.0, as content production and online socialization became commonplace.

Salient Features of Web 3.0

  1. Ubiquity — Web 3.0 will be more intimately integrated into our lives than ever before. This will be made possible using IoT devices such as smartwatches, smart glasses, and other daily-use peripherals getting connected to the internet. In other words, the internet of the future will be everywhere.
  2. Spatial Web — A fundamental aspect of Web 3.0 will be to blur the lines between the physical and virtual world. Apps will be able to process real-world objects and provide additional information to the user in such a way that their physical experience will be augmented. This can mean anything from a GPS system fully integrated into your glasses to seeing a pack of chips and instantly knowing how many calories it contains.
  3. Fairness — Blockchains have been hailed by many as a cornerstone for Web 3.0. They form the basis of cryptocurrencies, a decentralized payment mechanism that is by the people and for the people. Coupled with the power of AI to identify bad actors, pioneers envision Web 3.0 to be democratic and inclusive — a system where corporate profiteering and government censorship have no place.


As good as Web 3.0 sounds, a full transition is at least a decade away, if not more. Most of the cornerstone technologies of Web 3.0 still operate within the realms of R&D, so we need mass adoption before thinking much further. Even then, there’s a lot of promise in the conceptual internet of the future.

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